Join the Bella Terra Stables' Volunteer Team
Because our therapy and psychoeducational programs rely on the well-being of our horses, and because our herd is made up mostly of rescued and retired horses (some with special needs) we require that all of our volunteers complete a 6-week training course. The cost of the course is $65 per person.
What the Volunteer Course covers:
The Bella Terra Stables' mission and values and how our volunteers fit into that.
The specialized care of our retired and rescued horses.
Feeding and meal preparation.
Horse handling and moving.
Safety for humans and horses on the ground.
Basic horse health knowledge.
Herd dynamics and what can be learned from it.
Basic understanding of horse psychology.
Real-time experience with equine-assisted learning.
Crisis handling.
The course is open to children, however, a parent or legal guardian must take the course with them and accompany them any time they are on the property.​
All volunteers must have the following clearances to volunteer at Bella Terra Stables:
If you want to volunteer as a mentor in our THRIVE program, you will also need the following clearance:
We are currently in the process of revamping our volunteer program.
Please check back here for updates.